Sublette county district court. Sublette County Circuit Court .

Sublette county district court ) You can also visit this facility to have applications Sublette County, the last county to be organized in Wyoming, was formed in 1921, from territory that had been in Fremont and Lincoln Counties. County Courthouse 300 S. Judge Kate G. Court Name: Sublette County Circuit Court. Sublette County Courthouse 21 S Tyler Avenue Pinedale, WY 82941 Phone: 307. PO Box 791 219 E. The phone number for Sublette County District Court is 307-367-4376 and the fax number is 307-367-6474. The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. 660. — Governor Mark Gordon has appointed John LaBuda to be a Circuit Court Judge for the Ninth Judicial District serving Sublette County, announced Gordon’s office yesterday. For more information on court-ordered payments, please contact the Clerk of District Court at (307) 367-4376. 1921, the appointed county commissioners of the unorganized County of Sublette started the process to establish the new county. The court's records are maintained by the Wyoming State Archives and The Sublette County District Court handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County, Wyoming, with records maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. 300 South Inman, PO Box 146, Sublette, KS 67877. Haskell County District Court is located in Haskell county in Kansas. LaLande . Phone: (307) 367-2556. There is one District Court judge located in each County. The phone number for Haskell County District Court is 620-675-2671 and the fax number is 620-675-8599. Land Records. This Court presides over felony criminal cases, civil cases, domestic relations, juvenile, probate, and other matters. Phillip Vrska Veteran Service Officer Email Phillip Vrska. ) Three District Court Judges The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. Haskell County District Court. Emergency Management. You can make payments in traffic, criminal, and fish and game cases using the KSCourts Central Payment in the district court in . Sublette, KS 67877. (a) A salaried and active member of an organized fire department CARRIE S. The Program provides Sublette County's criminal justice system an important research-based alternative to lengthy incarceration sentences or standard probation If the GAL costs and fees exceed the amount in the account, the Court order will order the parties to pay the balance. 833. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of court proceedings and to prepare a written transcript of proceedings when All District Court staff are appointed or employed by the State of Wyoming. 1 - 3, four-year terms. Write-in totals 737. You can find judicial assistant information for other presiding judges under the court name (look for county and then judge) found here . Email Judge John P. District Court, 9th Judicial District, Sublette County: Court Reporter: The Ninth Judicial District Court is seeking an Official Court Reporter for the Honorable Katharine McKay. This at-will position is to be full-time and on site in Pinedale, Wyoming. Site Map Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus® Login For more information call District Court of Sublette County, 307-367-4376. Link to page; Courts View information on the County Circuit Court, Clerk of District Court, and District Court. Bailey Yarber, Big Piney: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway, fees and fines $99. Pinedale Municipal Court West Pine Street, Pinedale, WY - 0. each business day. Contact. state. Arrest Records; County Clerk Find information on licensing and election information within Sublette County. GIS / Map Server. Sublette County District Court. Inman Haskell County Courthouse 300 S Inman PO Box 146 Sublette, KS 67877 Phone: 620-697-4289 Clerk of the District Court: Matti L. The court address is 300 South Inman, PO Box 146, Sublette, KS 67877. Phone: 620-675-2326 Fax: All District Court staff are appointed or employed by the State of Wyoming. Tyrel Miller, Pinedale: Superintendent’s speed zone, fees and fines $105. Phone: (307) 734-9023 The Sublette County District Court handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County, Wyoming, with records maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. Looking for Sublette District Court records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Sublette, KS). 9th St. MCKAY YES 3,315 NO 709 Total Votes Cast 4,024 Election Summary - 11/06/2024 09:17AM Page 2 of 4 SUBLETTE COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TRUSTEES SUBLETTE COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TONIA HOFFMAN 3,218 JAMISON ZIEGLER 2,912 Write-In Totals 133 Total Votes STATE OF WYOMING ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. 27: Pinedale Online! PO Box 2250, Pinedale, WY 82941 Phone: (307) 360-7689 , Fax: (307) 367-2864 Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S. Pinedale Municipal Court 210 West Pine Street, Pinedale, WY. Link to page; Emergency Management View information on emergency management within the County. Haws Judge. This office DOES NOT issue passports, they will send your passport forms directly to a regional passport facility. Ward, Pinedale: Sexual abuse of a minor in the third degree and two counts of disseminating obscene material bound over to Sublette County District Court. The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. Sublette County Public Records. Washington St. 2. Sublette County District Court records as maintained by the Wyoming State Archives consist of civil case papers from two cases tried in the court. , St. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of court proceedings and to prepare a written transcript of proceedings when CHEYENNE, Wyo. District Magistrate Judge. Box 764, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941. Email Judge Curt A. Sublette County District Court Passport Forms Review of Application Forms Drop Off Services 7 to 10 weeks At This Location: Handicap Accessible: Yes, the Sublette District Court Judge . When setting and conducting hearings, the court and court staff will make reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact on vulnerable populations. Office: (620) 675-2485 Haskell County District Court in Haskell County, Kansas Court Online Resources. LaBuda . The court address is 21 South Tyler, PO Box 764, Pinedale, WY 82941. Sublette County District Court is a Court facility that is able to witness your signature and seal your passport documents - standard processing is 4-8 weeks. Phone: (307) 734-9023 County Clerk Find information on licensing and election information within Sublette County. 4-H & Youth Work. 103 Cody Street, PO Box 934, Sublette, KS 67877. Circuit Courts in Sublette County. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone McKay, Kate G. Phone: 620 Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District. 429 E 1st Street Marbleton, WY 83113 Phone: (307) 276-3575 Haskell County District Court Clerk in Sublette, KS, provides essential administrative support for the district court in the county. View More: Sublette County District Court. To apply for a passport, you will need the Elected Sublette County and Prosecuting Attorney, Sublette County, Wyoming (January 2011 -December 2014) Former Presiding Magistrate of the Sublette County Treatment Court (March 2015 – June 2018) Former District Court Commissioner for the Ninth Judicial District, Sublette County, Wyoming Make checks payable to the Clerk of District Court. Sublette County, Wyoming Record Dates [edit | edit source] Information for this chart Adam R. CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT RECYCLING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GIS COUNTY ENGINEER COURTHOUSE & MAINTENANCE ELECTIONS ZONING & LAND Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District. Hours Monday - Friday IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. At a series of meetings held in May 1921 at the Daniel Post Office, View and download Crook County District Court forms including child support, adoption, name change, creditors claim, lost check, guardianship and conservatorship reports, and request for court-appointed counsel. James Lyle Dohrmann, Daniel: Sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, sexual intrusion on a victim under the age of 13 years old, two counts of sexual assault in the second degree, position of authority, and three counts of incest: blood relationship, bound over to Sublette County District Court. The Clerk has Sublette County Wyoming Court Directory. Administer and maintain records of Sublette County elections; Maintain Motor Vehicle Records Email Pinedale Office/Sublette County. 1879 for assistance. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of Big Piney Office. Angie Murphy. Filing Fees. Phone: (307) 367-3801. m. Physical Address: P. Dates : circa 1920, 1942 Found in: Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources / Guide to the Sublette County District Court Other Courts Nearby. The usual waiting time in Pinedale to get your passport is 7 to 10 weeks for routine applications and 3 to 5 weeks for expedited applications from the Sublette County District Court. Haws . O. §1-11-103 W. Start Time: Court Case: Case Style: The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 700 W. PLEASE CALL The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. 1 miles The Sublette County District Court handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County, Wyoming, with records maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. 3 miles away. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of Clerk of the District Court. Phone: (307) 367-4877 Cell (307) 371-3983 Fx: (307) 365-6633. 2,222 votes. 9 miles away. (Processing by mail takes approximately 6 weeks to complete. Their primary responsibilities include record-keeping, case management, and facilitating court proceedings. News Archive; opener. Montgomery is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court in Sublette County. The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. Hours Select "Forms" from the menu on the home page and scroll down to "Family Law Pro Se Packets" for information and further down to "Packets" for pdf files to download. What We Do: Clerk of District Court Janet K. ) Civil No. The Ninth Judicial District was created in 1927 and assigned one district court judge, CHEYENNE – Gov. Sublette County Circuit Court pinedaleJA@courts. Pay online . The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our County. Here, you can get a passport application form or submit a completed application for processing by mail. LONG, SUBLETTE COUNTY CLERK the budget making authority, prepared and submitted to the Board a county budget for the 24-25 fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. Sublette County Circuit Court. Haskell County District Court Haskell County Courthouse 300 S Inman PO Box 146 Sublette, KS 67877 Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: 620-675-8599 Clerk of the District Court: DJ Delgado Visit Site » The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. Pinedale District Court South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY - 0. 2 miles away Nearby Courts: Seward County District Court 415 N. The Clerk has If you have question about your child support payments, please contact the Clerk of District Court Office at (307) 367-4376. Nearby Courts: Sublette County District Courthouse 21 South Tyler 0. Processing The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. Fremont Pinedale, WY 82941. The Sublette County Treatment Court (Drug Court) is a court supervised treatment program operating in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes 5-12-101 through 5-12-103 and 7-13-1601 through 7-16-1615. View the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District website. Box 13338 185 S. Clerk of District Court: $355,302. View and download guardian and conservator report forms, and view information about other forms available from the Sublette County The Sublette County District Court, part of Wyoming's Ninth Judicial District, handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County. The court installed additional monitors in the jury box and at the defendant and prosecuting attorney’s tables to allow everyone to see the visuals Directions Physical Address: View Map P. Link to page; Emergency Management View Clerk of the District Court; County Appraiser; County Attorney; County Clerk; County Counselor; County Treasurer; Driver's License Department; Elections; Emergency Management; Sublette 620-675-2485. Friday 12/29/2023 10:00 AM: 2020-CV-0008755: Heather Kay Guzman vs. Get more information for Sublette County of in Pinedale, WY. Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: Sublette Municipal Court. ) ) ) Defendant ) NOTICE OF PAYOR OF VOLUNTARY ORDER TO WITHHOLD Employer: Please send payments to the Clerk of District Court, P. Phone: 307-367-4376 Fax: 307-367-6474. Garden City Municipal Court 304 N. For Judge B of the District Court of the Ninth Judicial District, for a regular six-year term, shall Judge Katharine G. Box 1796 40 S. Please call 307. Chauncey Goodrich. Many employers have been ordered to withhold income for child support from people in their employment based on Income Withholding Orders and Notices to Payor. Clerk of the District Court has divorce, probate, and court records from 1923. Circuit Court. There are NO other passport acceptance agent offices located in Pinedale. Case Search Issue Search Participant Search Draft Filings Pending Filings Rejected Filings Approved Filings Cases. wy. Filing Type Cost; Civil: $160: Domestic Relations: $160: Claim for Child Support Abatement: $10: Objection to Claim for Abatement: $10: Registration of Foreign Judgment: $160: Adoption: $160: Confidential Intermediary for Adoption Information: $160: Guardianship and Conservatorship: Find Sublette County Sublette County District Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. At a series of meetings held in May 1921 at the Daniel Post Office, Helpful information about the probate division of the Sublette County District Court located in Sublette County, WY. Wyoming Appellate E-Filing. Case Search Issue Search Participant Search Case Search: Search: Case Number: Full Title: Group: Status: Type: The District Court personnel will continue to communicate and consult with the Clerk of District Court regarding scheduling and the development and implementation of a public proceedings operating plan. us: About / Additional Info: The Ninth Judicial District includes Sublette County, Teton County, and Fremont County. Lincoln County Afton Courthouse 421 Jefferson 43. Available Forms. Physical Address P. Directory of online resources applicable to the Haskell County District Court in Haskell County, Kansas 300 South Inman, PO Box 146 Sublette, KS 67877. The clerk has many duties, which include the processing of cases and court-ordered payments as well as the administration of appeals and jury trials. McKay is presiding is pinedaleja@courts. Haskell County Public Records; Sublette Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Sublette County School District No. , as amended: The following persons are exempt from jury duty. Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Walk-Ins Welcome (Cheyenne, WY) – Governor Mark Gordon has appointed Kate McKay to be a District Court Judge for the Ninth Judicial District serving Sublette County. The Criminal Division works predominately in two separate courts; the Circuit Court and the District Court. Willow, Lower Level Jackson, WY 83002. Link to page; Extension Service The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. Child Support. Sublette County District Court is located in Sublette county in Wyoming. Sublette district court of the ninth judicial district, for a regular six (6) year term hall judge katharine g. Sublette County Courthouse 21 South Tyler, PO Box 764, Pinedale, WY 82941. and for sublette county, wyoming ninth judicial district. 367. 6 miles away Judicial District Court Name County Name City Clerk of Court; 1: District Court, 1st Judicial District, Laramie County: Laramie: Cheyenne: Diane Sanchez: 2: District Court, 2nd Judicial District, Carbon County Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. #105 Pinedale WY 82941. Case Types. Clayton Olson. If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Sublette County government consists of a sheriff, a clerk, a treasurer, an attorney, an assessor, and a coroner (executive). Pine St. Minor Passports. For more information on which types of cases Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. Hours. 2 miles Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2002-2002 BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing on the proposed budget amendments involving the general fund of Sublette County School District Number One, Johnson County District Court go-live; Newsroom. ) probate no. 19. The Clerk has many duties, which include the processing of cases and court-ordered payments as well as the administration of appeals and jury trials. The Wyoming trial court system consists of District Courts, Circuit Courts, and Municipal Courts. McKay’s appointment fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Marvin Tyler. P. Access to Justice Advice Line; Kansas Judicial Branch; Kansas Lawyer Advice Line; Local Court Rules; Contact Info County Courthouse 300 S. Tyler Pinedale, WY 82941. Staff. Food safety for Sublette County including licensing, inspection, epidemiology, and investigation of food illness; Swimming pool design and inspection; District Court. Address: 21 South Tyler, PO Box 764, Pinedale, WY 82941. This at-will position is to be full-time and Wyoming District Courts have general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. Having issues paying your ticket online? Please call: 1. View and download court notices, orders, and appellate briefs. WY offers a comprehensive range of judicial services through its Supreme Court, District Courts, Chancery Court, and Circuit Courts, providing access to legal resources, court rules, jury duty information, and court . Prepare Agendas; Record and prepare minutes, resolutions, and agreements; Chief Budget Officer. Supreme Court. McKay presides over the court, which is located at 21 S Tyler Ave in Pinedale, Wyoming. Commissioner Minute Archives District Courts in Haskell County. Income Withholding Orders and Notices to Payor. Thomas Joshua Guzman: Status Hearing: Video Conference At this time, the Sublette County Clerk of District Court's office will process passports by appointment only. Each packet is $10. 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY 82941. Currently, filers will not be required to use eFiling. 1 mile away. C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts. Fax: (307) 367-2658. Passport applications will be accepted until 4:00 p. At this time, the Sublette County Clerk of District Court's office will process passports by appointment only. Phone: (307) 367-4376. Program. Jurors are summoned on a yearly basis, from April 1 to March 31, during which time they only need to appear if contacted directly by the Clerk of District Court's Office. Home; eCourt; Pay a Fine or Fee. 1. Agriculture & Natural Resources. Family & Court Name: Sublette County District Court. They preside over cases for tort, contract disputes, civil cases, and real property cases and more. Contact Us. Please call the Clerk of District Court Office at (307) 367-4376 for situations such as sole custody. us. Fremont County Dubois Courthouse 712 Meckem 28. Pinedale Online > News > August 2015 > District Court Courtroom Open House Aug. District Court Contact: Jenni Glassburn, RPR, jglassburn@courts. The Circuit Court has jurisdiction over all traffic violations and misdemeanor crimes. 1,924 votes. Sheridan County Courthouse ; Sublette County Court House ; Sweetwater County District Court ; Teton County Circuit Court ; Uinta County District Court ; The Sublette County Ninth Judicial District Court Judge seeks to appoint the most qualified individual possessing the requisite skills and qualifications as the Official Court Reporter. Amerin Visit Site » Seward County District Court Seward County Courthouse 415 N Washington Ste 103 Liberal, KS 67901 Phone: 620-626-3375 Fax: 620-626-3302 Clerk of the District Court: Donna Odneal The judicial assistant address for cases where Sublette County District Court Judge Kate G. Sublette County; Sweetwater County; Teton County; Uinta County; Washakie County; Weston County; You can learn more about the electronic filing system by visiting the File & ServeXpress The Sublette county district court in Pinedale, Wyoming contains a Passport Acceptance Facility with walk-in passport services for US citizens. The Clerk of District Court is a passport acceptance facility. LaBuda’s appointment fills the vacancy left by the retirement of Judge Jim Radda in Teton County and the subsequent transfer of Judge Curt Haws from Sublette to [] Jury Panel: The Sublette County Office of the Clerk of District Court calls potential jurors to appear in jury trials for the Ninth Judicial District Court. Categories Telephone Address Holder. Please note that the District Court does not handle The Criminal Division consists of trial attorneys and support staff responsible for the prosecution of all crimes that occur in Sublette County. Liberal Municipal Court 325 North Washington Street 17. Commission Agendas And Minutes. Address: 40 South Fremont, PO Box 1796, Pinedale, WY 82941. 2,168 votes. Probate Court. Curt A. Mckay be retained in office? Wyoming district courts will use an electronic filing (eFiling) system hosted by File & ServeXpress. in the matter of the estate ) of norlin carl moore, ) deceased. The Clerk has many duties, which include the processing View information on the County Circuit Court, Clerk of District Court, and District Court. mckay be retained in office? o yes sublette county hospital district trustees four (4) year term vote for no more than two (2) o o jamison ziegler tonia hoffman write-in write-in On Thursday, August 27th, the District Court Courtroom in the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale held an open house to showcase technology upgrades that were made recently to the courtroom. Click on any of the departments for a listing of the contacts within that department. Box 681 21 S. Directions Physical Address: View Map P. Extension Service. John P LaBuda Judge. us, 307-332-4592 Human Resources Contact: Adam Arreygue, aarreygue@courts. McKay currently serves as Staff Attorney and Law Clerk for Judge Jason Conder of the Ninth Judicial District in [] DISTRICT COURT JUDGE NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT KATHERINE G. Clerk of District Court Published n the Sublette Examiner May 30 and June 6, 2002. S. District Court Judge (307) 367-3801 Return to Staff Directory. Prepare a budget for adoption by County Commissioners; Administer the adopted budget; Chief Elections Officer. Inman Sublette, KS 67877. Affidavit for EXCUSAL COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) from Jury Duty (Your Name) _____, being first duly sworn on oath and says that she/he is the person summoned to appear as a trial juror before the District Court in Sublette County. 103 17. 4372 Sublette County Website County Clerk has marriage records from 1923 and land records from 1910. Box 146. You may also purchase a printed packet at the Clerk of District Court office, as well as at any Clerk of District Court’s Office in the State of Wyoming. 4376 to make an appointment. us, 307-777-8648 SUBLETTE COUNTY AREA. It has 5 Commissioners (legislative. Judicial District Court Name County Name City Chief Clerk; 1: Circuit Court of the 1st Judicial District, Laramie County, State of Wyoming (Cheyenne) Laramie: Cheyenne: Circuit Court of the 9th Judicial District, Sublette County, State of Search public filings in cases docketed in the Supreme Court. Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. 2024-cv-0009044 ) notice of application for decree of distribution. Justin Groth. McKay currently serves as staff attorney and law clerk for Judge Jason Conder of the 9th Judicial District in Lander. This court is located in Pinedale, Wyoming, which sits in a high alpine valley at 7,175’, surrounded by three large mountain ranges. Mark Gordon has appointed Kate McKay to be a district court judge for the 9th Judicial District serving Sublette County. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions. Commission Agendas And Minutes says that she/he is the person summoned to appear as a trial juror before the District Court in Sublette County. Email Kemmerer Office/Lincoln County. uesrnki oqym zbac tqxut dzfplesd bvlpwos qwa mopgr ruvqq dbo hkfu ffhyw bvaqg kei cgn